Tantra massage experience report

I was warmly welcomed by you that day and entered a welcoming space. Soft music was audible and candles were burning. My nervousness quickly subsided when I met you. I felt comfortable from the very beginning.

My concern was to get a little closer to myself in my sexual experience. To get to know myself better, that is, to recognize more clearly what I want and what I don’t want. You briefly told me about the philosophy of Tantra and explained the process of the massage. Also, you were able to give me new knowledge about the female body, which in my opinion belongs in the basic knowledge of every woman. Your words explained that this is about me in the massage and you will accompany me to feel my body, perhaps to rediscover and expand sensations as well as to recognize and respect my limits, I felt safe and in competent hands with you.

I have looked at many websites in advance, I felt attracted by yours. Now it was clear to me – I am in the right place.
My whole body was literally touched on a deeper layer on all levels through mindful, gentle as well as stronger touches. I was allowed to embark on an exciting journey. I experienced the touches on the body as pleasant and healing. The warm oil had a nourishing effect. The music supported me to dive deeper. I felt comfortable in my body and perceived a deep relaxation. I could confidently accept the flowing touches that enveloped my entire body. Being touched in my intimate places also felt natural. Gently and slowly the transition from the outer to the inner yoni massage took place. I felt how my interior was allowed to open and was ready for touch. The massage of the musculature is called the emotional part and excitingly I felt a sadness in certain places during the touch – sadness that there was a lot of stress and pain in this space so far in my life. I would like to change this now and rediscover and inhabit it.

I focused on my perception and felt new sensations in the yoni to me. There were places where it felt warm and comforting, others where there was a tension or diffuse feeling. In certain areas I hardly perceived anything and could not locate them exactly. For me, it was an exciting experience that I take with me into everyday life. I have also been given knowledge on how to further intensify these sensations.

What touched me very much is to be allowed to simply be for once – it was only about me in this massage – this was a new experience for me in which many things suddenly became clearer to me.

I could let myself fall and perceived how my sensuality increasingly transformed into lust. It felt quite natural. My breathing became more intense with each touch and I was able to allow this flow. For me this was a great gift, just to be able to give up control and be in a protected space among women. The journey ended in an intense climax, whose energy flowed like waves through my whole body. Finally your hands were on my body – one on the heart chakra, one on the yoni and I felt a great connection and love with all being as well as an infinite gratitude for this gift.

When I think back on it, I feel deeply touched. It was a profound experience for me in a timeless space, which I have not had in this form before.

Thank you
